
In brief

Looking into the genome of Plasmodium vivax revealed a previously undiscovered way the parasite infects red blood cells.

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Mapping a missing link in malaria infection

20 May 2022

A novel molecular mechanism by which a malarial parasite enters host cells may broaden possibilities in malaria vaccine development.

Malarial parasites are the masters of hiding in plain sight. Once the parasite enters the body—typically via a mosquito bite—it swiftly enters liver cells and rapidly divides. The parasites then creep into the bloodstream, hiding inside red blood cells. By doing so, they can evade circulating immune cells while waiting to be transmitted to their next host.

The two most important malaria parasites are Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, with the latter present across most of the malaria-endemic countries. Notably, P. vivax relapses and can cause recurrent episodes of malaria that are the main determinant of morbidity and mortality. Once the parasite enters the blood, it sniffs out young red blood cells called reticulocytes as a hiding spot.

However, how exactly P. vivax does that is still unknown.

According to Laurent Rénia, senior fellow and principal investigator at the A*STAR’s Infectious Diseases Laboratories (ID Labs), the clues are in the cell surface receptors that facilitate the parasite’s entry into reticulocytes.

To boost progress in the race for a P. vivax vaccine, Rénia and his colleague, Benoît Malleret, along with local and international collaborators started by establishing the full set of cell surface proteins on reticulocytes. From this list, they eliminated proteins that overlapped with the expression profiles of other red blood cells. Only two leads that were exclusively expressed by reticulocytes remained.

The first, CD71, was a known receptor for P. vivax. By exploiting the sensitivity of cells expressing CD71 to treatment with the protease trypsin, the team revealed a second receptor, CD98, that had not been previously described in the context of malaria infections.

Following up on this lead, the scientists screened a library of P. vivax genes to pinpoint which of them formed the ‘key’ to unlocking reticulocyte entry via CD98. In the process, they discovered the missing link to be a surface antigen called PvRBP2a, delineating a previously undocumented pathway of parasite invasion.

Their discovery of a novel antigen-receptor pair redefines our understanding of P. vivax infection. “The parasite uses either of these two receptors sequentially or alternatively. Perhaps different parasite strains also use different pathways,” said Rénia, noting that these pathways represent prime targets for vaccine development. To aid in vaccine design, the team is also now looking to identify the regions recognized by neutralizing antibodies.

The A*STAR-affiliated researchers contributing to this research are from the Infectious Diseases Laboratories (ID Labs), Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) and Bioinformatics Institute (BII).

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Malleret, B., Sahili, A.E., Tay, M.Z., Carissimo, G., Ong, A.S.M. et al. Plasmodium vivax binds host CD98hc (SLC3A2) to enter immature red blood cells, Nature Microbiology 6, 991-999 (2021) | article

About the Researcher

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Laurent Rénia

Senior Fellow and Principal Investigator

A*STAR Infectious Diseases Labs (ID Labs)
Laurent Rénia obtained his PhD in 1991 from University Pierre et Marie Curie (now Sorbonne University) in Paris, France and did his post-doctoral New York University (1991-1992). He then returned to Paris in 1993 where he obtained a permanent position as junior research scientist at the French National Institute of Health (INSERM) in the INSERM Unit 313 at the Hopital Pitie-Salpetriere in Paris. He moved to the INSERM Unit 445 at the Institut Cochin in Paris where he started his own group in 1997. In 2001-2006, he was the Research Director at INSERM, and Co-director and Director of the Department of Immunology at the Institut Cochin. He joined SIgN in 2007, where he was Executive Director from 2013 to 2020 before becoming the founding Executive Director of the A*STAR ID Labs from 2020 to 2021. He is now Professor of infectious Diseases and director of the respiratory and Infectious Diseases Program in Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, as well as a Professor in the School of Biological Sciences at NTU and a Senior Fellow and Principal Investigator at A*STAR ID Labs. He also holds an adjunct position in the French National Institute of Health (INSERM). He has published more than 330 articles and book chapters and is an Academic Editor for Infection and Immunity, PLoS ONE, Infection and Immunity, Microbial Pathogenesis, Microbial cell and Frontiers in Immunology.

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