Biomedical Engineering
Whirling scanners broaden diagnostic horizons
20 September 2024A new optical scanner reduces costs and expands medical imaging applications, enabling doctors to better view and diagnose internal body structures.
Nature’s solution to plastic pollution
18 September 2024Enzymes from soil bacteria can effectively break down some of the toughest plastic pollutants, offering a promising approach to tackling plastic waste.
Hidden pockets expose antiviral hotspots
16 September 2024High-resolution simulations uncover dynamic regions on the surface of dengue-like viruses to guide the design of novel antivirals.
Artificial Intelligence
Keeping tabs on moving parts
13 September 2024Machine-learning-based predictions intelligently analyse complex sensor data to enhance equipment maintenance and reliability.
Brain food begins before birth
9 September 2024Research indicates that a mother's diet before conception may influence her child's brain development and behavior.
Machine Learning
Smart models decode liquid mysteries
3 September 2024A*STAR researchers develop machine learning models that quickly and accurately simulate chemical reactions involving complex liquid interactions.
Flexing into alternative diets
28 August 2024Understanding the psychological traits of flexitarians reveal the different motivations for adopting a flexitarian diet.
Tumours advance as defences ebb
26 August 2024As the immune system ages, our susceptibility to conditions such as cancer increases, prompting researchers to develop advanced experimental models to study these pathways.
Machine Learning
To build a light-speed data highway
23 August 2024Advanced photonic processors boost machine learning efficiency by handling vast data streams in parallel, with potential benefits for enhanced patient monitoring and cloud computing.
Clinical Science
Unseen chemicals shape future health
21 August 2024Chemicals in everyday products may impact babies’ metabolic health, potentially leading to increased belly fat at birth.
Artificial Intelligence
Quick learners: helping algorithms master tasks
19 August 2024Researchers find that pre-training AI models on a global scale boosts their performance in machine learning tasks, particularly in scenarios with limited training data.
Superbug killers on native soil
16 August 2024A newly discovered antibiotic compound found in local soil can potentially combat some of the world's toughest drug-resistant bacteria.
Artificial Intelligence
Steering ships into greener waters
14 August 2024A robust machine learning approach to predict and optimise fuel consumption in ships is critical to practically enhance maritime environmental sustainability.