Directing the defenders and destroyers
17 Aug 2010Identification of a previously unknown interaction between immune-system cells points the way to novel cancer treatments
A new initiative to curb tuberculosis
17 Aug 2010The Singapore Immunology Network has launched a US$2 million program to identify biomarkers for this ancient infectious disease
Viral hitchhiker
20 Jul 2010Success in deciphering the mechanisms of infection and spread of Chikungunya virus within humans points the way to control strategies
Signaling disease
20 Jul 2010Individuals carrying variants of a gene involved in controlling the immune response are prone to infection
Tackling the ever-growing threat of dengue fever
11 May 2010Scientists at A*STAR are taking a diversified approach to combating dengue fever, an infectious tropical disease that is fast becoming a major global threat to health and the economy.
Taming the virus
2 Mar 2010Immune cells infected by the dengue virus play a key role in fighting against viral growth
Invitations to infection
2 Mar 2010Genomic analysis reveals risk factors that offer insights into the pathology of the leprosy bacterium
Hitting parasites where they hide
2 Feb 2010Drugs that selectively target pre-symptomatic, liver-stage malarial infection could ultimately help thwart this deadly disease.
A shot in the arm for treatment options
2 Feb 2010A ‘whole parasite’ strategy could lead to a vaccine for one of the world’s deadliest diseases
Following regulation to the letter
5 Jan 2010Subtle sequence changes determine whether a common gene regulatory sequence acts as an ‘on’ or ‘off’ switch
Finding the off switch
22 Dec 2009Genetic evidence reveals that an enzyme that deactivates signaling pathways is associated with inflammation and cancer
Differentiate or die
22 Dec 2009An antibody that selectively kills off undifferentiated stem cells may improve their clinical usefulness