Pulses of light with a tilt and a twist
18 Apr 2018An
exact mathematical solution reveals how to tilt a laser pulse and move
intensity peaks at faster than the speed of light, or even backwards
Escaping silicon
21 Dec 2017An
alternative fabrication scheme for microscale semiconductor lasers could expand
the applications of on-chip lasers beyond conventional silicon
Laser heating hits the spot
21 Feb 2017Laser-based measurements reveal just how small each magnetic ‘bit’ could be using the next generation hard disk technology known as heat-assisted magnetic recording
Mix and match lasers
29 Nov 2016Combining silicon with an optically active material enables tiny lasers compatible with industrial fabrication techniques
Tapering off for efficiency
10 Sep 2015A new compact structure enables efficient lasers to be realized on silicon chips
Putting the heat on magnetic recording
31 Mar 2015Detailed experiments reveal the operational parameters for a promising thermo-magnetic data-storage technology
Silicon helps light go through the right channels
25 Mar 2014Improved design of lasers on optoelectronic chips will advance optical communications
Holograms set for greatness
5 Nov 2013A new technique that combines optical plates to manipulate laser light improves the quality of holograms
Laser treatments yield smoother metal surfaces
24 Sep 2013The properties of metal surfaces, typically prone to corrosion, are now more controllable using laser processing
A step in time saves two
16 Jul 2013A technique that reduces the time to simulate the operation of active optical devices aids the design of nanoscale lasers
Statistics light the way
21 May 2013Revelation of how photoreceptive cells in the eye distinguish between different light sources could pave the way for a novel class of optical devices
Beam me up
22 May 2012‘Tractor beams’ of light that pull objects towards them are no longer science fiction