Graphene-based thermal modulators
14 Jun 2016Squeezing graphene is a way to control its heat conduction, paving the way to harvesting waste heat for power
All eyes on the conductor
10 Feb 2016A ‘conductor’ that ensures simultaneous processing tasks keep time could dramatically increase the efficiency of ‘cloud’ simulations
Exploring implicit racial biases computationally
4 Jun 2013A numerical simulation based on individual preferences provides insights into social attitudes that are unattainable through physical experiments
Sizing up cells
8 Nov 2011A numerical model could improve the performance of cell-sorting devices by predicting the paths taken by deformable cells
Demystifying natural hierarchy
13 Sep 2011A model that relates multi-level organization and mechanical properties of biomaterials could guide the design of artificial composites
A better business model
21 Jun 2011A simulation model that captures the complexities of supply-chain management could help companies increase profitability and customer satisfaction
Streamlined asset management takes flight
7 Jun 2011Software originating at A*STAR that optimizes the flow of resources is enabling the aerospace and semiconductor manufacturing sectors to stay lean and flexible
Optimizing the design of a compact coupler
9 Nov 2010An optimization program that combines the use of two parallel algorithms has found an ultra-compact design for an optical coupler
The world on your desktop
27 Apr 2010Quicker computation of a hologram for 3D scenes makes real-time operation viable on a personal computer
Sticky predictions
13 Apr 2010More accurate measurements of the forces that bind cells together have been made possible by a new computer model
Hard-to-break hard drives
2 Feb 2010Computing responses of hard drives to shocks can be sped up using a technique called ‘model order reduction’