
Ciarán Forde

Ciarán Forde was formerly a Principal Investigator at A*STAR’s Clinical Nutrition Research Centre (CNRC). Currently, he is the Chair in Sensory Science and Eating Behavior at the Division of Human Nutrition and Health, at Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands. He leads research on how the sensory properties of foods influence calorie selection, eating behaviours and energy intake and metabolism across the life-span. Forde has published >120 scientific articles and book chapters, and his research has been presented at over 200 national and international meetings. He is an Executive Editor at the journal Appetite, Section Editor in ‘Nutrition Behavior and Food Intake Regulation’ for the European Journal of Nutrition, and an editorial board member for Nutrition Bulletin, Journal of Future Food and Journal of Texture Studies. Before joining Wageningen, Forde spent almost 20 years in public and private sector research roles in the UK (GSK), Australia (CSIRO), Switzerland (Nestlé Research) and Singapore (National University of Singapore/A*STAR). He received his BSc (Hons) in Food Chemistry and a PhD in Sensory Science from the Department of Nutrition at the University College Cork in Ireland.

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