Finding the missing link for a rare heritable disease
22 Jan 2020Mutations accelerating the degradation of the protein gelsolin are responsible for amyloid plaque buildup in patients suffering from familial amyloidosis, Finnish type.
Pushing for greater purity
24 Sep 2015A standard purification process changes the structure of antibodies — and then changes them back
Picking out partners
9 Oct 2012An intracellular labeling technique allows scientists to monitor interactions between proteins in their natural environment
The rules of interaction
14 Aug 2012Gene regulatory proteins may be more flexible in their DNA binding preferences than previously expected
Bubble power
13 Mar 2012The latest microfluidic chip can generate microbubbles to break open cells for biochemical analysis
Finding the off switch
22 Dec 2009Genetic evidence reveals that an enzyme that deactivates signaling pathways is associated with inflammation and cancer