Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS)
The dark side of antibiotics and what we can do about it
8 Mar 2021Understanding the impact of antibiotics on both infants and adults could help restore the delicate balance of the gut microbiome.
What affects your baby’s first gut microbes
2 Dec 2020Apart from the mode of delivery and breastfeeding, genetics and cultural practices could also have a profound impact on the type of bacteria in an infant’s gut.
Clues to childhood obesity lie in our gut
30 Nov 2020Early exposure to antibiotics can disrupt an infant’s gut microbiota and predispose them to childhood obesity, finds an observational study.
You are when you eat
12 Oct 2020It’s not only high-sugar diets that we should be concerned about, but also the timing of when we eat them, finds a study in the emerging field of chrononutrition.
Metabolic remodeling during regeneration
5 Mar 2019Insights into the molecular changes in regenerating liver cells may reveal ways to help patients recover from surgery or disease
Reducing unnecessary medication for hepatitis B patients
29 Nov 2018A collaboration between A*STAR and Duke-NUS Medical School has gotten closer to freeing some chronic hepatitis B patients from a life of medication
Could we say goodbye to allergic rhinitis (hay fever)?
12 Feb 2018With rhinitis affecting an enormous 40 per cent of Singapore’s population, research in the city state is yielding some very interesting insights into a worldwide problem.
Gut bacteria implicated in liver inflammation
15 Jan 2018The
effect of gut bacteria on specific immune cells is behind persistent liver
inflammation in chronic viral hepatitis
Like father like child for weight gain
15 Nov 2017A father’s weight is just as relevant as the mother’s
in determining a child’s risk of obesity
Heavy legacy of Mum’s sweet tooth
4 Oct 2017The babies of women who consume carbohydrate-rich foods
during pregnancy have an altered growth-trajectory
Clever fats weighing in on Asia’s obesity issue
19 Sep 2017Singaporean researchers tackle one of the world’s most pressing obesity problems — an issue that
could look like a slender person of Asian descent who eats rice three times a
The role of crystals in the ‘disease of kings’
19 Sep 2017Gout is associated with unhealthy living, but its underlying
mechanism has been a mystery