
In brief

A combined approach of directed evolution and computational modelling produces more stable, active variants of galactose oxidase enzymes to produce useful ketones from bulky benzylic and alkyl secondary alcohols for pharmaceutical production.

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Evolving enzymes for greener goods

12 Dec 2024

A*STAR researchers develop new tools to speed up the development of potent enzymes for oxidising complex alcohol molecules, providing more options for a challenging synthesis step in sustainable chemical manufacturing.

Chemicals are going green as today’s factories move away from harsh substances and resource-heavy methods to manufacture everyday products. Enzymes like galactose oxidases (GOases) are powering this transition with their ability to efficiently turbocharge industrially- useful chemical reactions.

“As biocatalysts, GOases can help oxidise certain alcohols into vital intermediates for many chemical and pharmaceutical products,” said Ee Lui Ang, Department Head (Strain Engineering) at the A*Star Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation (A*Star SIFBI). “While chemical oxidation reactions normally involve high temperatures, potent oxidants and toxic byproducts, GOases allow the reactions to take place under mild atmospheric conditions using benign reagents, making them relatively greener.”

However, naturally-occurring GOases have their practical limits: they’re well-adapted to processing sugars and other small molecules, but they struggle to crack more complex molecules under industrial conditions, which restricts their usefulness when making medicines and agrochemicals.

Ang set out to discover GOases suited to these challenging molecules, working with A*STAR colleagues from the A*Star Bioinformatics Institute (A*Star BII) and the A*Star Institute of Sustainability for Chemicals, Energy and Environment (A*Star ISCE²). These included Wan Lin Yeo, SIFBI Lead Research Officer; Dillon Tay, ISCE2 Senior Scientist; Hao Fan, BII Senior Principal Investigator; Sebastian Maurer-Stroh, BII Executive Director; and Yee Hwee Lim, ISCE2 Director (Chemical Biotechnology and Catalysis).

The team’s approach was twofold: using directed evolution, they sped up the natural selection process by generating comprehensive libraries of GOases with varying mutations, then screening them for the most promising candidates. Tapping into resources from Singapore’s National Supercomputing Centre, they also developed computational models to predict which mutations would likely affect GOase performance in manufacturing processes.

“Directed evolution has been incredibly successful at developing industrial enzymes, but it’s still labour and time-intensive; the odds of finding the right enzyme can be one-in-tens of thousands,” said Ang. “We wanted to significantly accelerate this process through improved predictions that would help us design smarter enzyme libraries and find the hits more efficiently.”

Ang noted that most enzyme engineering projects focus on beneficial mutations, discarding more than 99 percent of the remaining data. However, the team’s model took neutral and negative mutations into account. “We used the full set of wet lab data from our high-throughput screening—good and bad mutations included—to develop in silico models that can more accurately predict GOase activity and stability," said Ang.

Their approach generated over 80 new, improved GOase variants able to handle commonly-used bulky benzylic and alkyl secondary alcohols in pharmaceutical production. The team reported that some of these mutants showed up to 2,400-fold increased activity over existing versions.

Combined with existing computational tools like YASARA and FoldX, the team’s models could also accelerate enzyme engineering for other industrial processes. With patents pending and supported by industry partners, Ang and colleagues are refining their models for other enzyme types.

“We are also transferring our combined experimental and modelling workflow to other enzyme classes of interest to further refine the method and validate its generalisability,” Ang added.

The A*STAR-affiliated researchers contributing to this research are from the A*Star Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation (A*Star SIFBI), A*Star Bioinformatics Institute (A*Star BII) and A*Star Institute of Sustainability for Chemicals, Energy and Environment (A*Star ISCE²).

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Yeo, W.L., Tay, D.W.P, Miyajima, J.M.T., Supekar, S., Teh, T.M., et al. Directed evolution and computational modeling of galactose oxidase toward bulky benzylic and alkyl secondary alcohols. ACS Catalysis 13 (24), 16088–16096 (2023). | article

About the Researchers

Wan Lin Yeo obtained her BSc degree from National University of Singapore and has working experience in both pharmaceutical industry and academic research institutes. Her interest in enzyme engineering was piqued by her previous experience in Codexis Laboratories Singapore. She is currently a Lead Research Officer at the Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation (SIFBI).
Dillon Tay completed his BSc (Hons) 1st Class in Chemistry & Biological Chemistry and was the recipient of the Lee Kuan Yew (Gold Medal) from Nanyang Technological University. He completed his PhD degree at Imperial College London where he studied homogeneous catalysis applications in carbonylation and CO2 utilisation. Upon returning to Singapore, he joined the Institute of Sustainability for Chemicals, Energy and Environment (ISCE2) where he is currently a Senior Scientist (Chemical Biotechnology & Biocatalysis). His research interests include sustainable bio-manufacturing, biocatalysis, cheminformatics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. He is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC), a Registered Scientist (RSci) and an associate member of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).
Hao Fan is a Senior Principal Investigator at A*STAR’s Bioinformatics Institute (BII) and Adjunct Associate Professor at the NUS School of Medicine Synthetic Biology Translational Research Program and the DUKE-NUS Cancer and Stem Cell Biology Program. After earning his PhD from the University of Groningen, he later worked at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), where he successfully identified functions for bacteria amidohydrolases and allosteric inhibitors for human kinases before joining BII in 2014. His research focuses on developing computational methods to study protein-ligand interactions.
Sebastian Maurer-Stroh obtained his PhD degree from the University of Vienna, Austria, before carrying out research at the VIB Switch laboratory in Brussels, Belgium, under a Marie Curie fellowship. He joined A*STAR’s Bioinformatics Institute (BII) in 2007 and now leads a group of experts in protein sequence analysis as a Senior Principal Investigator. He was appointed as BII Deputy Executive Director (Research) in 2019, becoming the institute’s Executive Director in 2021. Maurer-Stroh also spearheads industry collaborations with local SMEs and large multinationals on sequence analysis and prediction of allergenicity potential of proteins.
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Yee Hwee Lim

Director, Chemical Biotechnology and Biocatalysis

Institute of Sustainability for Chemicals, Energy and Environment (ISCE2)
Yee Hwee Lim leads the Chemical Biotechnology and Biocatalysis division at the Institute of Sustainability for Chemicals, Energy and Environment (ISCE2), A*STAR. Her team focuses on developing integrative technologies at the interface between chemistry, biology, informatics and engineering for sustainable chemical manufacturing. As a chemist trained in the UK and the US, she is passionate about advancing chemistry frontiers and harnessing nature's catalytic powers to solve molecular challenges. She is also the deputy programme director for SIBER 2.0, an A*STAR Strategic Research Translational Thrust (SRTT) programme in sustainable chemicals biomanufacturing from alternative feedstocks.
Ee Lui Ang received his joint PhD degree in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the National University of Singapore in 2007. He then joined Codexis Laboratories Singapore, where he held the positions of Project Technical Lead, Molecular and Cellular Biology Team Leader, and Project Manager for a bioindustrial project. Ang joined A*STAR’s then-Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences (ICES) in 2012 as a Team Leader of the Metabolic Engineering Research Lab, and subsequently A*STAR’s Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation (SIFBI) in 2020 as a Team Leader in the Discovery and Transformation division. He currently leads SIFBI’s Strain Engineering Group. His research interests are in developing metabolic engineering and synthetic biology tools and strategies to engineer proteins, pathways and genomes for advanced biomanufacturing.

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